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This document created by any Windows application, zoom and print can receive.


"This document created by any Windows application, zoom and print can take."
To print a large poster or banner but nothing big enough to not come in a standard printer? Is now possible!

A document in any Windows application PosterPrint created by, and you can zoom several standard sheets of paper for printing using any printer.

A talented one metafile PosterPrint into (*. emf) can be used by any other software.

Looks and how it works
Use your favorite program (eg MS Word, WordPerfect to print the document page, Corel Draw, Acrobat, etc.) to create or open a document to the printer can print virtual PosterPrint. In its original size and print up to 1000% easily several sheets of paper on a physical printer as a real poster or banner in the document zoom!

For the use of automated document layout PossterPrint calculates the minimum amount of paper. And easy to trim out empty sheets of paper plate for connection to add glue margins. In addition, the disc can be saved for later use PosterPrint document or on another computer for printing. Now you can download free PosterPrint 2.3.

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